Listen to Bess Wills of Gresham Ford and Kirsten Wageman of SnowCap on KOIN 6 in 2023!
Help Fill-A-Bag For SnowCap!
Fill-A-Bag is the largest annual food drive to benefit SnowCap. Kicking off in early November and spearheaded by Riverview Bank and Gresham Ford, individuals and local businesses in our community join forces to undertake this outstanding effort for the people in need in East Multnomah County. Last winter, Fill-a-Bag exceeded all expectations! Not only were cash contributions more than doubled, but thousands of pounds of food, clothing and even pet food were contributed. Donations of materials, time and advertising made it possible to expand our reach and engage more people than ever before. Thank you to all who participate and show that giving back to your neighbors in need is good business! Fill-A-Bag campaigns of the past years have not only provided much-needed donations of food and cash to keep SnowCap’s pantry stocked, they have raised awareness of hunger in East County and proven that communities can make a difference when they work together! See the listing of Participating Businesses, Clubs, & Churches below for where to drop off your donations. Stay informed, get involved, and show us how you Fill-A-Bag by liking us on Facebook or posting your photos on Facebook and tagging @fillabaggresham. Follow us on Instagram and Tag us: @fillabaggresham. Are you a business? Interested in participating? Click here to sign up! |
Fill-A-Bag Schedule of Events

November to December - MadCow Brewing Special Brew
If you can't make it to the Gresham Beer Fest, visit MadCow Brewing between November and December and order their Special Brew, Hearthside Winter Warmer $1 per pint will be donated to SnowCap.
For their business hours click here.

December 13 - Cinnamon Roll pick up at Black Bear Dinner 105 NE Burnside Rd.
Good news! We just found out we have 200 extra cinnamon rolls! They will be sold on the DAY OF Friday, December 13th, first come first serve! $6 per cinnamon roll. 100% of all sales will go to SnowCap.

December 12th - Comedy Night with Shain Brenden sponsored by Center for the Arts Foundation and Boccelli's (21+)
Gresham Center for the Arts Little Theatre (333 N Main Ave Ste 105, Gresham, OR 97030), 7PM. Pre-purchase your tickets here! Must be 21 years or older to attend.
Enjoy an evening filled with laughter and fun at a special comedy event supporting Fill-A-Bag campaign to end hunger! All proceeds go to SnowCap!

December 7 & 8 - City of Troutdale Windy Wonderland
12 PM to 7 PM at Mayors Square (219 E Historic Columbia River Hwy, Troutdale)
Bring your canned food items and say hello to the SnowCap team on Sunday December 8th for the Tree Lighting at 5 PM
Click here for a list of Most Needed Items.
For event details click here.

December 14 & 15 - Pictures with Santa at Gresham Station & Live Reindeer
- Bring your canned food item to donate and take your picture with Santa or meet the Reindeer.
- For a list of our most needed items click here.
- Visit for more information.
Fill-A-Bag Drop-Off Sites

Gresham Ford - 1999 E Powell Blvd, Gresham (click here for hours)
- Click here for a list of Most Needed Items.
- Visit for open hours.

Riverview Bank - 225 NE Burnside Rd, Gresham
Click here for a list of Most Needed Items.
Please visit for branch hours. They will be collecting donations through the end of the year!
Click here for a list of Most Needed Items.
Please visit for branch hours. They will be collecting donations through the end of the year!

November to December - MadCow Brewing Special Brew & Food Drive
Visit MadCow Brewing between November and December and order their Special Brew, Hearthside Winter Warmer $1 per pint will be donated to SnowCap. You can also drop off your food donations.
For their business hours click here.

Octapharma - 12215 Powell Blvd. Portland
- Click here for a list of Most Needed Items.
- Please visit for branch hours. They will be collecting donations until the end of the year!

Sugar Cubed - 101 N Main Ave, Gresham
Click here for a list of Most Needed Items.
Please visit for their hours. They will be collecting donations until 12/21!

Hillman Consulting LLC - 138 NE 3rd St. Gresham
Click here for a list of Most Needed Items.
Please visit for hours. They will be collecting donations until 12/17!

SDF Collective - 20 NW 3rd St, Gresham
Click here for a list of Most Needed Items.
Please visit for hours. They will be collecting donations until 12/16!
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